Get a coupon for free chocolate every Friday. Mars brand is offering the Real Chocolate Relief Act. A free coupon to the first 250,000 people every Friday through September. So check out their site RealChocolate.com!
Supposably there is a free coupon in today's (May 7th) USA Today newspaper. I'm going out to pick one up and I'll let you know.
Update: Sure enough there is a coupon in the paper with the website listed.
Update: So I got up at 7am to enter this and couldn't get through. I had one error report after another. I tried again at 9:30 and the same thing. It gets to the point where it says I've won but when I need to register it takes me to the page saying error. Maybe later will be better.... Or at least next week........
Update: Finally at 10:30am I won. I keep getting the error message trying to get to the homepage but if you keep refreshing the window it will pop up eventually. Plus after clicking the verify button after entering your birthdate just give it a few minutes and it'll load without looking like it's doing anything.
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