Today with my sister and my grandmother's help I was able to hit 5 different Albertson's from Kaysville to Ogden. I'm such a procrastinator and hadn't used the coupons until the final day. But it was worth it!! All for $9.19 plus $10 in bread.
I was able to get 28 packages of Bar S hot dogs. They were on sale B1G1F and after coupons they were $0.29 for 2 packages. I got 3 bottles of Kraft Mayo and for FREE and even threw in a bottle of Miracle Whip. Every store was out of Duncan Hines Brownies but I was able to snag the last 2 Dark Chocolate ones at the Ogden store for $0.30 each. Suave was FREE. And 10 packages of Scotch Brite sponges were $0.25 each. Band-Aids were slim pickings too... I spent $0.67 each.
Oooh Lala... Breyers Ice Cream was $1 each.

Now my total would have been $18 for everything but I had $9 in coupons from when I purchased all this post cereal previously for $6.
Being in Ogden we also had to make one more stop at the Sara Lee store. They had white bread on sale B1G1F for $1.25. Hot Dog buns were $1 each and bagels were B1G1F. All together $10.

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