Saturday, July 2, 2011

Walgreens and KMart

We went to Walgreens looking to pick up some sunscreen before the sale ended. I was expecting to find them for B1G1 free but they had tags hanging for B1G1 50% off. So I went back home and double checked the blog list and look up the ad online. Why didn't I just pick up an ad while I was in the store you ask? Well my husband hates waiting for me to figure out the kinks in things and I figured I would just come back alone if I figured it out. As it turns out I was right about it being B1G1 free and the 50% off was for the ad tomorrow. I picked up Twizzlers for $0.25 each after coupons and RR. And I have no idea what the other stuff is... hairspray maybe... it was on $0.99 each after $4 off.

Kmart had Beggin Strips on sale B1G1 Free and pair that up with 8 coupons for B1G1 free and I got 16 Free packages. ($0.24 tax on every 2 packages)

Chicken and Fruit

Working on stocking up my freezer we took advantage of a sale at El Super for chicken quarters for $0.57/lb. They were sold in 10 lb bags and we bought 40 lbs and seperated them into freezer bags. Mangos were on sale for 5/$1 and the nectarines were 3lbs/$1.