Thursday, February 3, 2011

Once again...

It's a new year and I have a lot of rambling on to do so I figured instead of boring my honey to death I'd bore anyone who's listening. Anyways this year I made several resolutions and I haven't really been holding myself accountable to them.
  1. I want to lose 50 lbs and I've got a plan but that's my other blog 31 Weeks 'Til 31 Years.
  2. I want to improve my credit score this year.  So far I've got my credit report from TransUnion. I've got a credit score from (not a FICA). I've made my budget. Now I've just got to get a job to pay off all my bills.
  3. Save an emergency fund. Following Dave Ramsey's baby steps plan I'm going to start with $1000 and then our 3 month plan is to add another $1400.
  4. I need to really start thinking about another car. I've got almost 170,000 miles and it's time to be prepared.
  5. Finish decorating the apartment. The only room in the house that I love is my bedroom. My living room is about 1/2 way there but the spare/storage room needs some organization. My kitchen has no organization either.
So I'll be adding great deals when I see them, as well as photos of my shopping and trying to keep track of my spending. And rambling on about who know what... :D

1 comment:

Teri said...

I'll help you organize and decorate if I can get down there for a visit. I was hoping I could go with mom.